Ruddington residents who face having a new footpath and cycleway just feet from their homes say they were not properly consulted during the protracted planning process.
Wayne Swift and his family live in one of the homes on Old Station Road {pictured top} which will be impacted by the route of this new public right of way. It’s set to be squeezed in at property level between the house boundaries {to the right of the existing fence} and the Clifton Road embankment. Wayne told us: “All those that want the footpath have not thought of the impact it will have on residents on the route – and the likely anti-social behaviour on the new footpath which will run about one metre away from my house. Also no thought has been given to our security. Having children ourselves we also want a safe path for children, but there are other options on the design – not just coming down the side of our property.”
The protests come as a petition containing some 570 signatures in favour of the scheme is set to be handed to Nottinghamshire County Councillors by Ruddington’s representative Reg Adair at a meeting today. As we reported last month, villagers from the Pasture Lane Estate began this petition to Crest Nicholson and Nottinghamshire County Council after being frustrated by the lack of progress in building a safe and convenient pedestrian and cycle access to their homes. Currently they must go over the old railway bridge using its narrow footway (left) which they say is too dangerous, especially for young children, given today’s high levels of traffic. Now, after over a decade of trying, it seems a breakthrough in getting a new path built is imminent as land ownership and access issues on its route over the former railway line look set to be resolved.
Wayne and neighbour Sean Powrie say they have attempted on numerous occasions over the last 4 years to get a response from Cllr Adair about their concerns – but that he has yet to reply to any of their emails. Sean says: “I have a young family and the proposed footpath will bring lack of privacy to all our homes in which we invested a lot of money in when bought from Crest Nicholson. There will also be increased noise at all times of the day (late night revellers included) along with litter, dog muck and anti-social behaviour.”

Sean adds: “There is also a plethora of wildlife living around the area including hedgehogs, squirrels, bats, butterflies, and many different birds to name but a few – this is their natural habitat which development of a path would kill off.
I believe the campaigning mums say there is no other safe way into the village – well please make them aware of the bridge (known as ’50 Steps’ locally) which will take them into the village centre or to James Peacock School – it is a very pleasant walk indeed. The Council might also like to think about traffic calming measures on Clifton Road as well as looking at expanding the pavement and putting metal fencing along the edge of it to allay all these concerns about danger along the road.” asked original property developers Crest Nicholson for a response but – so far – they have failed to provide us with one.
However, John Cottee, who’s the Communities and Place Committee chairman at Nottinghamshire County Council, has sent us this statement:

“The scheme for a new footpath/cycleway has been designed to improve safety for pedestrians – particularly children travelling to and from the nearby school – and cyclists. The chosen route offers an alternative to using the narrow pavement on the busy Clifton Road which carries 9,550 vehicles a day, of which 100 are lorries. It has been widely supported by the majority of local residents following feedback from consultations.
We are aware of the specific concerns raised by some residents about this scheme, who have been in contact with our designers, Via East Midlands, who are carrying out the work on our behalf. The design is being modified to help allay some of these concerns. We have also committed to meet these residents to discuss the design proposals in more detail.
A petition with at least 500 signatures is due to be presented to County Councillors on Thursday, asking for this scheme to be pushed through to the next stage – which demonstrates the level of support it has received to date.”

You can read more background to this story >>HERE<<.
Nottinghamshire County Council has confirmed the public petition with 572 signatures in favour of the construction of this alternative path/cycleway alongside Clifton Road was presented at the County Council Meeting on 12th July 2018 and will be considered at the next Communities and Place Committee meeting on 6th September 2018.
The relevant section of the report presented to the Communities and Place Committee on the 6th September 2018 can be viewed >>HERE<<. It is Agenda Item 9, Numbers 29-33.
Station Road residents who’ve long campaigned against this footpath/cycleway reacted angrily to the document, saying that their number is not “small” and their objections have not received enough recognition in the report. They revealed they’ve also received confirmation that bats are living under the railway bridge – yet no wildlife considerations are listed in the summary.
However the petitioners themselves welcomed the report, saying: “Public concern was first expressed in October 2011 and so the whole scenario has definitely been protracted! Residents have been promised safer access for many years now and we’re pleased the Council are finally taking steps to honour this. The existing route is not fit for purpose.”
Following its discussions, after hearing the arguments from both sides, the Committee voted in favour of proceeding with the delivery of the footpath as proposed. Cllr Cottee said they had reached this decision “…due to the significant benefits it will deliver to Ruddington residents, including many vulnerable school children.”
As soon as the finished route map is completed and available for publication we’ll let you see it first here at